PHY 102 Syllabus: Spring 2024
MWF 10am - 10:50am in Oak Hall 206
Instructor Information
Dr. Julie Butler
Office: Bracy 107
Office Hours: Monday 11:00am - 12:30pm, Tuesday 2:30pm - 4:00pm, Friday 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, and by appointment
Cell Phone: 864-993-7133
Course Description and Learning Objectives
PHY 102: General Physics II is a survey of the three main branches of physics that were not covered in PHY 101: waves and optics, electricity and magnetism, and modern physics. All three of these fields of physics are important as they explain how many items in the modern world work, such as cameras and electronics, and are the basis for exciting research currently being done in physics, electronics, and engineering.
The broad learning objectives for the entire course are listed below. More specific learning objectives will be provided each week.
Explain the difference between traveling and standing waves and be able to model both types of waves
Explain how charges interact and use Coulomb's law to determine the force between charges
Compare and contrast electric force, electric fields, electric potentials, and potential difference
Explain how simple circuits and electronic components work and classify different types of circuits based on their components and diagrams.
Summarize how different types of lenses work and how this knowledge can be extended to describe the function of cameras and eyes.
Explain why relativity is needed and determine the situations where it needs to be applied.
Summarize briefly why modern physics is needed and some of the important early developments in the field.
Material Covered
Unit 1: Waves and Charge Introduction
Traveling Waves
Sound, Light, and the Doppler Effect
Standing Waves
Wave Optics
Unit 2: Electricity
Coulomb's Law
Electric Fields
Capacitors and Dipoles
Gauss' Law
Electric Potential
Potential and Fields
Unit 3: Circuits and Magnetic Fields
Ohm's Law
Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Flux
Unit 4: Optic and an Introduction to Modern Physics
Reflection and Refraction
Camera and The Eye
Magnification, Colors, and Resolution
Introduction to Modern Physics and Quantization
Course Policies
Student Expectations:
All students are expected to come to class ready to learn and help contribute to an environment that allows other students to learn. This means arriving on time and participating in lectures, not creating distractions for other students, and being courteous to students and the professor.
It is expected that you completed all graded assignments and submit them on D2L by the posted deadline unless you are using an extension as detailed in the late policy.
Attendance Policy: Attendance at all lab sessions is required, but attendance at lectures is not required and will not be taken. If you choose not to attend a lecture you are still responsible for the material and assignments covered during that class. A reasonable and documented excuse is needed for a missed lab session. If you experience an extended absence due to illness or family emergency, please email me, and we can work out a solution.
Accessibility: The University of Mount Union values disability as an important aspect of diversity and is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is the campus office that collaborates with students with disabilities to provide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations based on appropriate documentation, the nature of the request, and feasibility. If you have, or think you have, a temporary or permanent disability and/or a medical diagnosis in any area, such as physical or mental health, attention, learning, chronic health, or sensory, please contact SAS. The SAS office will confidentially discuss your needs, review your documentation, and determine your eligibility for reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are not retroactive, and the instructor is not obligated to provide accommodations if a student does not request accommodation or provide documentation. Students should contact SAS to request accommodations and discuss them with their instructor as early as possible in the semester. You may contact the SAS office by phone at (330) 823-7372; or via e-mail at
Academic Honesty: All work you submit with your name on it is expected to be original work. You can consult any outside source, including the internet and AI chats, for help on assignments, but you are not allowed to copy any solutions you find there directly. Additionally, you should be able to thoroughly explain how you arrived at your answer for all work you turn in. If you work closely with other classmates on an assignment, please indicate that the solution results from collaboration and list the names of all students who contributed (this is allowed and encouraged). If it can be proven that you used Chegg, ChatGTP, or another person to solve your homework (i.e., you are copying your solutions directly from these sources or others), or if you are found to be cheating on exams, you will receive a zero for the assignment and be reported for academic dishonesty.
Technology in the Classroom: All electronic devices are allowed in the classroom, provided that you do not use them to distract other students. All devices should be muted and notifications silenced for the class duration. If a device distracts other students, you will be asked to put the device away or leave the classroom.
Communications with the Professor: The best way to ask a question about an assignment is to post it to the class Teams. Even if I do not see the message quickly, other students may be able to help you. If you wish to contact me directly, the best way to reach me is by email or to come by my office. My cell phone number is also provided at the top of the syllabus if you need to contact me quickly.
Post-Class Homework
Post-class homework problems will be assigned during each class (1-3 questions per class). The collected post-class homework for one week will be on the Thursday of the next week. For example, during Week 2 post-class homework questions will be assigned on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then they will be due on Monday of Week 3. These questions will be similar to the questions that will be seen on exams and are thus a great study tool for the exams. Post-class homework assignments should take no more than 3 hours per week to complete. Post-class assignments can be turned in during class, office hours, or slid under my office door. All post-class assignments slid under my office door are considered on time if they are there before I get to my office on Tuesday morning.
In-Class Assignments
In-class problem-solving sessions (either as a subset of a class period or during dedicated class periods) are not graded. This time is dedicated to solving problems based on the new material in class in small groups or solo. The goal of these assignments is to practice with the material covered during the week before graded assignments and with the assistance of your classmates and professor. The types of problems given in class will be similar to those encountered in the post-class assignments and on exams.
Group Work Policy
All in-class assignments and homework assignments can be completed with other classmates. Each student needs to turn in their own assignment with the names of all collaborators on the assignment. Turning in an assignment that was completed as a group effort with only your name on it is considered cheating (see the above section on academic dishonesty).
This class will have for exams, one at the end of each unit. The exams will not be purposely cumulative but due to the topics being covered in this course, the material will build on itself. The dates of the exams are as follows:
Exam 1: Friday, February 2, 2024
Exam 2: Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Exam 3: Monday, April 8, 2023
Exam 4: Friday, May 3, 2024 (1 pm - 4 pm)
The fourth exam will take place during finals week and contain a mixture of topics from Unit 4 and cumulative questions.
Each exam will consist of 4 free-response questions (each with multiple parts) covering conceptual and calculation questions. Three of the four questions need to be answered for full credit. The 4th exam will consist of an additional four questions covering topics from throughout the semester, three of which will need to be answered for full credit. Calculators are allowed on exams and an equation sheet will be provided. No other external resources are allowed during the exams.
The lab sessions are a required part of this course. Lab sessions teach important reporting and analysis skills in a group setting and reinforce concepts learned in lectures. A scientific calculator that can be used to solve logarithmic, trigonometric, and exponential equations is required in each lab session. Lab assignments are due in person at the start of the following lab; electronic submissions for D2L are not accepted for the lab sessions. More information will be provided during the first lab session.
Grading Policy
Participation: 10%
Post-Class Homework: 20%
Exams: 50%
Lab: 20%
Assignments that are not submitted will receive a zero
Your participation score is based of your attendance in class and lab, your engagement in the class, and seeking help during office hours.
The lowest post-class homework grade will be dropped from the final average. This includes assignments that were not turned in and received a zero.
The average exam grade will be calculated using the following formula:
Exam average = 0.4(A) + 0.3(B) + 0.2(C) + 0.1(D),
where A is the final exam, B the highest score of the normal exams, C the next highest score of the normal exams, and D the lowest score of the normal exams.
Percentage grades can be converted to an A-B scale using the following:
A: 100-94
A-: 93-90
B+: 89-87
B: 86-84
B-: 83-80
C+: 79-77
C: 76-74
C-: 73-70
D+: 69-67
D: 66-64
D-: 63-60
F: 59 and below
Late Policy
Extensions will not be given on assignments, and late work will not be accepted EXCEPT in very special circumstances such as extended illness or family emergencies (talk to me).
Textbook and Course Websites
The textbook for the course is Physics for Scientists and Engineers by Randall Knight.
Lecture notes and homework assignments are located at and on the course D2L page
A digital copy of the book and practice problems are available through Pearson on MasteringPhysics
Schedule, Suggested Reading, and Due Dates
Please note that the suggested readings are not required readings. Rather they are here to help you find the information that is being covered in a particular week if you need to look up a question.
This schedule is subject to change throughout the semester.
Week 1 (January 8 - 12)
Topic: Syllabus and Course Overview
Suggested Reading: None
Due: None
Tuesday Lab
PHY 101 Review
Topic: Traveling Waves
Suggested Reading: Section 16.1 - Section 16.3
Due: None
Topic: Traveling Waves
Suggested Reading: Section 16.4, Section 16.8 - Section 16.9
Due: None
Week 2 (January 15 - January 19)
Monday: No Class (MLK Day)
Tuesday Lab
Sound and Standing Waves
Due: Post-Class Week 1 (Non-standard due date!), Week 1 Lab Report
Topic: Standing Waves
Suggested Reading: Section 17.1 - Section 17.4
Due: None
Topic: Standing Waves
Suggested Reading: Section 17.5 - Section 17.6
Due: None
Week 3 (January 22 - January 26)
Topic: Wave Optics
Suggested Reading: Section 33.1 - Section 33.4
Due: Week 2 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Diffraction, Polarization, and Interference
Due:mWeek 2 Lab Report
Topic: Wave Optics and Polarization (End of Unit 1)
Suggested Reading: Section 31.7
Due: None
Topic: Charges and Statics (Beginning of Unit 2)
Suggested Reading: Section 22.1 - Section 22.4
Week 4 (January 29 - February 2)
Topic: Couloumb's Law and Electric Field Lines
Suggested Reading: Section 22.4 - Section 22.5, Section 23.1 - Section 23.2
Due: Post-Class Week 3
Tuesday Lab
Coloumb's Law and Static Electricity (Finish in Lab)
Due: Week 3 Lab Report, Week 4 Lab Report
Topic: Coulomb's Law and Superposition
Suggested Reading: Section 22.4 - Section 22.5, Section 23.1 - Section 23.2
Due: None
Unit 1 Exam
Week 5 (February 5 - February 9)
Topic: Dipoles and Electric Fields through Integration
Suggested Reading: Section 23.3 - Section 23.4
Due: Week 4 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Electric Fields
Due: None
Topic: Gauss's Law and Charged Spherees
Suggested Reading: Section 23.4, Chapter 24
Due: None
Topic: Gauss's Law and Integration
Suggested Reading: Section 23.4, Chapter 24
Due: None
Week 6 (February 12 - February 16)
Topic: Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
Suggested Reading: Section 25.1 - Section 25.4
Due: Week 5 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Capacitors and Parallel Plates
Due: Week 5 Lab Report
Topic: Parallel Plates and Capacitors
Suggested Reading: Section 23.5, Section 25.5, Section 26.5 - Section 26.7
Due: None
Topic: Particles in Electric Fields
Suggested Reading: Section 23.6, Section 25.6 - Section 25.7
Due: None
Week 7 (February 19 - February 23)
Topic: Dipoles in Electric Fields
Suggested Reading: Section 23.6, Section 25.6 - Section 25.7
Due: Week 6 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Particle Accelerator (Finish in Lab)
Due: Week 6 Lab Report, Week 7 Lab Report
Topic: More Capacitors (End of Unit 2)
Suggested Reading: Section 23.7, Section 25.7
Due: None
Topic: Current and Resistance (Beginning of Unit 3)
Suggested Reading: Chapter 27
Due: None
Week 8 (February 26 - March 1)
Topic: Circuit Basics
Suggested Reading: Section 28.1 - Section 28.7
Due: Week 7 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Repulsion, Ohm's Law, and Resistance
Due: None
Unit 2 Exam
Friday: No Class; Spring Break
Week 9 (March 11 - March 15)
Topic: Resistors and Kirchoff's Laws
Suggested Reading: Section 28.1 - Section 28.7
Due: Week 9 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Resistors in parallel and series, Kirchoff's Laws
Due: Week 8 Lab Report
Topic: Resistors and Kirchoff's Laws
Suggested Reading: Section 28.1 - Section 28.7
Due: None
Topic: RC Circuits
Suggested Reading: Section 28.9
Due: None
Week 10 (March 18 - March 22)
Topic: Magnets and Moving Particles
Suggested Reading: Section 29.1 - 29.3, Section 29.7
Due: Week 9 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
RC Circuits and Fan Circuits
Due: Week 9 Lab Report
Topic Moving Particles in Magnetic Fields and Cyclotron Motion
Suggested Reading: Section 29.1 - 29.3, Section 29.7
Due: None
Topic: Magnetic Fields and Wires, Ampere's Law
Suggested Reading: Section 29.4, Section 29.6, Section 29.8
Due: None
Week 11 (March 25 - March 29)
Topic: Coils, Solenoids, and Magnetic Dipoles
Suggested Reading: Section 29.5 - Section 29.6, Section 29.9
Due: Week 10 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Wires with Magnetic Fields and Cyclotron Motion
Due: Week 10 Lab Report
Topic: Magnetic Flux; Motors and Introduction to Induction
Suggested Reading: Section 29.9, Section 30.1 - Section 30.5
Due: None
No Class; Good Friday
Week 12 (April 1 - April 5)
Monday: Lenz's and Faraday's Laws (End of Unit 3)
Suggested Reading: Section 30.1 - Section 30.5
Due: Week 11 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Induction and Motors (Finish in Lab)
Due: Week 11 Lab Report, Week 12 Lab Report
Topic: Unit 3 Review
Suggested Reading: None
Unit 3 Exam
Week 13 (April 8 - April 12)
Tuesday Lab
Snell's Law and Lenses
Due: Week 12 Post-Class (Non-standard due date!)
Topic: Reflection, Refraction, and Snell's Law (Beginning of Unit 4)
Suggested Reading: Section 34.1 - Section 34.4
Topic: Mirrors
Suggested Reading: Section 34.2, Section 34.7
Due: None
Week 14 (April 15 - April 19)
Topic: Lenses
Suggested Reading: Section 34.5 - Section 34.6
Due: Week 13 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
Radiation and Modern Physics (Finish in Lab)
Due: Week 13 Lab Report, Week 14 Lab Report
Topic: Compound Lenses
Suggested Reading: Section 35.1 - Section 35.4
Due: None
Topic: Optics Review
Suggested Reading
Due: None
Week 15 (April 22 - April 26)
Topic: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
Suggested Reading: Lecture Notes
Due: Week 14 Post-Class
Tuesday Lab
No Lab
Topic: Introduction to Nuclear Physics (End of Unit 4)
Suggested Reading: Lecture Notes
Due: None
Topic: General Physics Day
Suggested Reading: None
Due: None
Week 16 (April 29 - May 3)
Finals Review
Tuesday Lab
No Lab
Finals Review
Last Day of Class
Final Exam (1:00pm - 4:00pm)